Top China
3810 W Neptune St Union B1
Tampa, FL 33629
"Welcome to Top China ." This is how you are greeted when you come into our welcoming, caring, high-energy restaurant,
and we promise to do whatever it takes to serve high-quality Japanes Cuisine (Hibachi) and Chinese food to every guest consistently. Welcome! We are glad you are here.
Open 7 Days a Week
Top China provides the best Japanese Cuisine (Hibachi) and Chinese food in town. Our store opens 7 days a week. Check contact / location to see the details.
Order Your Foods Online
For pickup and delivery, you can order your food online. The benefit is you have enough time to customize your order without errors in communication.
Delivery Fee - $3 within 3.5 miles
Delivery Minimum - $20.00
Estimated Time - Between 40 and 60 minutes
Scan & Order